1 day = 200.000FBU
1 month = 5.000.000FBU
Call these numbers: Driver 1: +257 77 48 52 70 Driver 2: +257 79 89 00 35
With RentBurundi.com, you can rent or order a ride using the phone numbers below
Name: Michael M
Years of experience: 4 years
Languages spoken: English + Swahili + Kirundi
Phone #: +257 77 48 52 70
Whatsapp #: +257 77 48 52 70
Great service guaranteed!!
name: Joel S
Years of experience: 5 years
Languages spoken: French + Swahili + Kirundi
Phone #: +257 79 89 00 35
Whatsapp #: +257 79 89 00 35